Saturday, November 14, 2009

American TackleBall

DYOOD I just finished Passage to India! I was so excited, it needed to be written.

And yesterday, I went to my first football game. Deprived? Yes. According to some, I am/was/it doesn't matter. Cause I went and I guess it was interesting. We kept the flag? We beat PD? We don't fail? Ok, cool. I'm happier about the kettlecorn and the brigade than I was about the actual game.

There was also some chick behind where we were sitting and she kept cramping my style, man. She got upset when people booed. IT'S A GAME, LADY. There's this little thing called a rivalry and people tend to get into it. I see nothing wrong with that.

After the third touchdown, somebody shouted, "You can just go home now, Palm Desert!" and people started singing "Goodbye," or whatever the balls it's called and the chick started going, "OMG THAT'S SO UNCLASSY WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN IF THEY COME BACK THAT'LL BE SOOOOOOO EMBARASSING."

STFU. They are obviously not gonna come back and if they do, then we fail. So what. People do crap like this all the time. GET OVER EET.

Meh. I just like being angry at people and that chick thought she was too cool for highschool games. "I IZ CLASSY." This is highschool, ugly pants, and nowhere does it say we have to be classy.

ALSO ALSO: THE BRIGADE = EPIC WIN. Twas pretty indeed.

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